
Showing posts with the label darkweb

What is dark net?

What is dark net ? What is Dark Net? You may have heard that there is some mysterious hidden internet called the ‘Deep Web’ or the ‘DarkNet’ that you can’t get to from Google, and which is hidden from marketplaces selling all kinds of legal and illicit goods anonymously for Bitcoin have picqued your curiosity, and you would like to take a look around and see what they are like. Perhaps you live in a country where social media and ordinary internet sites are censored and you would like to visit a place where everyone is free to speak their mind freely and without fear of repurcussion. Use of Darknet: A DarkNet is a private network. The internet, at its base, it a bunch of computers connected together. Usually we can connect to any computer we want to – we just need to know its address, in the form of an IP address or the familiar website addresses which are mapped to them. In a darknet you maintain a list of trusted friends, and your computer can only connect to the peopl...