
Showing posts with the label How to enable parents control in Windows 7

How to enable parents control in Windows 7.

How to enable parents control in window 7. Parental Controls in Windows 7 Parental controls in Windows 7 has lot of improvements and gives parents a lot of power to monitor restrict what their children do. Settings which can be maintained includes > Time Limits for a User > Game Restriction according to Game rating, content and Title. > Allow or block specific Programs. > Web Filtering Windows 7 Parental Controls is a feature in Windows 7 that can specify which PC games a particular user can play and which programs they can use. You can even specify the times when a particular user is allowed to use the PC. Here you can Control when a computer can be used by that particular account. Windows Live Family Safety is a free download that works with Windows 7 and gives you tools to manage and monitor what a particular user do on the Web. For example, Web filtering and contact management help you manage whom a particular user can talk to on...